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Futuristic Crisis Committee


Fall of the United Nations 

The Futuristic Crisis Committee is a specialised hypothetical committee set at a freeze date in the future. As potent as any other committee in the world, this one is also responsible for controlling global power and conflict and has the authority to implement measures with specific objectives in mind. Following the termination of the UN Charter and the subsequent fall of the UN itself, there are no existing mandates meaning that delegates are free to judge, choose and decide what should be condemned, confronted and condoned. Delegates also have freedom in solution – directives, joint and personal must be passed to see change for the better in an increasingly hostile world. More importantly, delegates need to formulate a mandate that can prove its efficiency against the testament of hostility in the future. From energy crises to political conflicts, delegates will need to look outside their respective regional blocs for the sake of harmonious coexistence. The Executive Board expects to see delegates comprehensively think about their principles while working to resolve these intricate challenges set in the future.


Avi Bansode

Avi is currently a 12th-grade student pursuing the IBDP curriculum, with his focus on economics and politics and looks to pursue the same. As well as an avid debater, his interest in MUN can be attributed to his agog and observant nature. In school, Avi is the School English Debating Captain and writes regularly across publications, spearheading the Doon School Information Review, an analytical magazine on pop culture. With a specialised focus on debating and public speaking, he has represented the school on a multitude of occasions, with notable performances at NMS and GEMS. He also has a deep-rooted intangible passion for sports, with football and cricket in particular and is a fervent music-enjoyer. Alongside awards at conferences, Avi was a deputy chairperson at DSMUN 2023 and will serve as a chairperson this year.


Committee Director

Zubin Dhar

Zubin is a 12th grade student presently enrolled in the IBDP program. His curious and perceptive nature is the reason behind his interest in MUN. In terms of academics, Zubin is interested in Politics and International Relations and intends to work in such fields. He is the School Debating Captain at Chandbagh. In addition, he holds the positions of Secretary of The Library Council and School English Debating Vice-Captain. Zubin, a gifted orator and debater, has represented the school on numerous national and international stages, including APWSDC, Modern World Debates, and Jaipur Debates, to mention a few. His deep concern for the escalating problems related to climate change has motivated him to lead multiple student-led service projects in the US, Sri Lanka, India, and other nations. Usually, one could find him penning a piece for multiple publications or delivering a speech at the podium. In addition, he enjoys acting and quizzing, aside from reading, of course. He is honoured to lead this year's Futuristic Crisis Committee after taking on the position of Deputy Chairperson in DSMUN’23.

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DSMUN Information Desk:



Aryavardhan Agarwal: +91 62051 94598


Divyaansh Surana: +91 98361 41111


Ms. Rageshree Dasgupta: +91 99554 87335


Mr. Mohit Ghai: +91 97587 64569

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